Photo Galleries

Wedding Photos – Civil Ceremony

Posted by on Aug 4, 2013 in Featured, Photo Galleries, Tales From a Faraway Land | 0 comments

Thanks to The Catholic Church for trying to control every aspect of life in this country for hundreds of years, the equally crazy Socialists/Commies here have made it necessary for you to get married by a civil servant before you can legalize your union (no religion can marry people in Argentina, not even the Catholic Church!)

Therefore, here are some pictures from that crazy day…Enjoy!


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Wedding Photos – Reception

Posted by on Aug 3, 2013 in Featured, Our Wedding, Photo Galleries, Tales From a Faraway Land | 0 comments

And a few at the reception…

Our first Tango as a married couple:


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Wedding Photos – Couple Shots in Buenos Aires

Posted by on Aug 3, 2013 in Featured, Our Wedding, Photo Galleries, Tales From a Faraway Land | 0 comments

Couples shots around Buenos Aires…What a beautiful city…outdone only by my beautiful bride.

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Wedding Photos – Talk

Posted by on Aug 3, 2013 in Featured, Our Wedding, Photo Galleries, Tales From a Faraway Land | 0 comments

Photos from the talk at the Kingdom Hall…You can also watch the videos below…I do not recommend the “I Do” video…unless you want to see me fumble my vows… 🙂

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Wedding Photos – Morning of The Wedding

Posted by on Aug 2, 2013 in Featured, Our Wedding, Photo Galleries, Tales From a Faraway Land | 0 comments

These come to us from before the wedding. Expect to see Gilda being made up and me acting stupid with my friends…what a morning!

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Weddings In Rio – Pablo and Cami Throw An Awesome Party…

Posted by on Jan 16, 2012 in Featured, Photo Galleries, Tales From a Faraway Land | 1 comment

So I know its been a while since I last published anything on here, and I know I have a lot of stuff going on right now in my life (ask for details later, or just stay tuned and read about it in my next blog post), but I figured that I should at least publish all of these photos from our recent adventure to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This adventure took place thanks in large part to our newest wedded couple, Pablo and Camila Torrero. Having both been made and assembled in different counties (i.e. he’s from Argentina, and she’s from Brazil, get it?) their recent nuptials posed some interesting challenges. Eventually, they decided that they would have two weddings, a legal ceremony and small lunch in Argentina, and a larger more traditional wedding in Brazil. A few of us from the English group in Buenos Aires (of which they both are members) decided to accept their gracious invitation to join them on their special day (2of2) in Brazil.

So off we went, and what a time we all had. From jungles and jiving, to seeing a 200 foot Jesus struck by lightening while standing beneath him, to playing on some of the world’s most famous beaches, to a lovely international, tradition blending wedding, we all had a lovely time.

Here are a few of the many pictures we came away with. I hope you enjoy the view…feel free ask me for more details on the pictures if you wish…I will be happy to fill you in.

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